During the weekend, Honor and I worked on a fun Fall DIY project and we are thrilled with the result. We made a gorgeous, orange-scented wreath from scratch!
You don't need many supplies to create one, and it is very easy to do. You will need a wicker wreath that you can easily find at your local florist or online and whichever decorations you like. We used bits of foliage that we collected during our weekend walks, colourful dried flowers found on eBay and in the attic and we mixed them with some dried orange slices (the smell is so delicious!). It’s a layering game and I normally start with twigs and foliage first then orange slices and leave flowers for last. We love pretty ribbons so, as a final touch, we added a burnt orange velvet ribbon in the centre. You can hang your wreath outside your door or anywhere you like in the house. We hung ours above our mantle which we also decorated with beautiful dried hops and cute little pumpkins, for a touch of non-spooky Halloween. Time to enjoy our Autumnal living room now.


